
Showing posts from October, 2022

V.S Analysis: Teen Titans(TTG)

  Stamina: -Starfire is Capable of Laughing without Rest for 1 and 1/2 Days -Robin was able to stand in the Living room for a Entire Week without rest -Cyborg and Beast Boy was able to last for 30 Years without tiring in a Staring Contest -This is Consistently as well  Since in" Them Soviet Boys" S5 Ep 26 The Titans are in a middle of battle against Katarou, Ignores him and decides to train for a Crane kick around Decades or More without any rest As the TT become Elderly Age by the End of the Episode (9:08) -----Keep in Mind,They were still on the Tower Top,and it's unlikely they would try to sleep due to Robin's Commanding and Vigilant Behavior Curse Manipulation: -Caused a Magic hand that will constantly attack robin when he tries to fall asleep (1:52) In "BBRAE...