Death Battle Prediction Blog: Reagan Ridely vs Ford Pines

Before We Start

Obvious Spoilers to both Inside Job and Gravity Falls, so if you care about Spoilers for either piece of media check them out before reading the blog.

[Season 1-2 For Inside Job & Most of Gravity Falls media that is Canon to the source material]


Reagan Ridley,Member of the Cognito Inc Organization 

Ford pines,The Author of the Journals 

Two Anti-social intellectual scientists who put their life's work into studying the unsolved Paranormal phenomenon within their respective shows.Who's brain power will triumph and who will lose it all in a DEATH BATTLE!!!! 


Stanford Pines

"Stay curious, stay weird, stay kind and don't let anyone ever tell you you aren't smart or brave or worthy enough"

Stanford as a kid, was bullied as a result of his anti-social status but despite that he always had his brother Stanley to hangout with and helped himself throughout life.However,after Stanley accidentally ruined his chances of getting into a dream college,the two walked their separate ways.Ford stumbled upon Gravity Falls and created the journals to study the paranormal events going on within the town; though he ended up being stranded in the endless multiverse after losing his mind and tussling with his brother Stanley due to years of unresolved conflict.

Reagan Ridley

"JR was right about one thing pal, I AM DIFFICULT!!"

Reagan's Family life to put it simply …. was rather hell itself,being mentally abused and neglected by her parental figures for years; even having her own memories warped in order to have her succeed in life without anyone holding her back as result of her high intelligence.This led to Reagan being an Anti-social wreck & throw herself into her job "Cognito Inc" where she plans to someday control the world and make it a safer place.


Stanford Pines


Pretty much self explanatory.

Magnet Gun

Magnet Gun can attach to metal surfaces and disrupt alien technology with its magnetic pulse.

Electric Gloves

Ford has specialized gloves that can electrify his foes into submission.

Alien Adhesive Gun

Ford's Adhesive Gun could release sticky substances that can immobilize enemies in place, seal up interdimensional portals and spatial rifts.

Infinity Belt

Ford's Infinity belt contains a rope with potentially endless length as the name implies.

Freeze Ray

Ford has a ray gun that can freeze his enemies frozen solid.


Ford could analyze someone's entire molecular structure with his scanner.

Infinity sided Die

The Infinity sided Dice is a special interdimensional item that could forge multiple different possibles depending on what it lasts On.

Mind Control Tie

Created by Ford, these ties could take control of the intended target it was placed on.

Memory Erasing Gun

  • -Fires out a white laser like beam at his Opposing targets

Erasing their memories once it hits

  • -Has a search engine 

Type out what you wanted to get erased from the victim's memories

+Ford typed "Stanley Pines"

Erasing every memory in Grunkle Stan's Mind


+Dipper typed "The Society of the Blind eye"

Erasing the memories of S.O.T. B.E club members associated with the society


+Mabel attempted to erase all her memory

On  failed romances

Typing in "Summer Romance"


+Leader of S.O.T. B. E was gonna erase the memory of Mystery Shack crew typing in "Summer"


+also typed in "Little Men" removing all memory Susan had about seeing the Gnomes



The three journals created by Stanford to preserve and study the supernatural entities that reside in the town of Gravity Falls. As a result of this, the journals has a wide array of spells to work with:

  • Can enter the minds of the others via 

Fidentus omnium. Magister mentium.Magnesium ad hominem. Magnum opus. Habeas corpus. Inceptus Nolanus overratus. Magister mentium.Magister mentium. Magister mentium! Spell

-Used it to go after Bill by entering Grunkle Stan's Mind

  • Summoning via "Corpus levitas, Diablo Dominus Mondo vicium!" Spell

-Large hordes of Zombies who can use their numbers to their advantage

- Who ever they bite will also become a zombie

- Those zombified will keep their intelligence/personality, but give into their hunger for brains


  •   Journal 1 can Summon "Mr. WHAT'S HIS-FACE"

-This entity can remove the faces of others

via blasting them with a Red satanic blast

He can even remove them via clapping

Quantum Destabilizer

This is likely Ford's most powerful weapon which was powerful enough to potentially stop Bill, a wide threat to the multiverse of Gravity Falls, and It basically fires out a beam that can erase enemies down to nothingness.


-Mind Manipulation: Due to his metal plate in his head, Ford can fend off Bill's mind Hopping abilities and wouldn't be affected by the Memory Erasing gun.

Reagan Ridley 


This item is self-Explanatory as just like your normal taser, it can shock and paralyze others with small volts of electricity[3:32]. (S1 EP1)

Iron Fist

A Mechanical Fist that could be used to lay the smackdown on enemies; it has a function where it can split into 3 arms…..while holding up the middle finger?[1:52] (S1 EP1)

Don't ask questions 

Aviation Fuel

With this spray can, Reagan can release flames that can incinerate her selected target if she ever needed to.[23:39] 

(S1 EP1)

Laser Rifle

A handgun that fires out a laser beams to tear through her opponents and melt down obstacles in her way.[24:31] [27:07]

(S1 EP1)

Proton Cannon

Essentially a homemade version of the proton pack that can fire subatomic particle energy  beams against opposing forces.[21:15] 

(S1 EP5)

Rainmaker 47Q5

Small Drones that can be remote controlled by reagan herself, which can create small scale rainstorms and/or thunderstorms.[4:32]

(S1 EP6)

Amazon Grenades

Homemade grenades made using Amazon products that can detonate upon impact. [16:19] (S1 EP6)

Memory Eraser Gun

As the name implies, this weapon can erase someone's memory of what they experienced during that moment. [4:08] (S1 EP7)


Built in metal boomerang within the User's shoes that can slice and dice through enemies. [6:47] (S1 EP7)


The user can press their belt buckle and release a swarm of nanobots that can dismantle the equipment of others.[7:47] 

(S1 EP7)

Spy watch

With this spy watch,the User can send out some knockout gas to put foes into a deep sleep.[22:35] [23:04] (S1 EP7)

Plasma Rifle

A rifle powered by a Zero-point Fusion cannon that fires high impact laser beams at her opposing target. [8:47] [11:53] (S1 EP8)

Laser Prism

By clicking her wristwatch, Reagan can trap the person she targets into a square shaped- laser prison.[3:37] (S1 EP9)

Missile Launcher

A Bazooka Cannon can fire out explosive missiles at her foes.[3:11] (S1 EP10)

Virtual Mask

With her virtual mask,Reagan can disguise herself as other people.[16:04] (S2 EP2)


A bladed weapon hidden in a cross that is engulfed in electricity to electrocute her enemies. [20:12] (S2 EP2)

White Oak Stakes

Wooden stakes used primarily to kill other vampires.[20:31] (S2 EP2)

Garlic Launcher

A Bazooka that fires literal Garlic as projectiles.[19:37] (S2 EP2)

Smokescreen disc

By tossing a disc, it can emit a small smokescreen that detect security lasers.[0:57] (S2 EP3)

VR Glove

With the V.R. Gloves, Reagan can manipulate and control a person's body by tossing nanobots into them.[9:35] [14:27] (S2 EP1)

Blazer Gun

A blaster that uses nanoparticles to create dress clothes for the perfect night.[10:15] 

(S2 EP4)

Flying Drones

Remote controlled Drones with a net function to trap opposing enemies.[21:13] (S2 EP5)

Cognito Inc Pen

A pen packed with sleeping darts to immobilize enemies.(S2 Ep 6)


Her backpack can grow 2 giant sets of bio  cranial mechanical arms to help with multitasking all around.[2:24] (S1 EP3)

▪︎ Shot multiple gargoyle robots while simultaneously having a dance with ron.[22:48] (S2 EP4)

▪︎ Can bust out buzzsaws,a laser cannon and ray gun all at the same time.[19:31](S2 EP7)

Brain Scanner

This ray blaster is used to scan and preserve memories.[8:50] (S2 EP 7)


- Space-Time Manipulation & BFR: with her tin foil hat, she's protected against "Timeline glitches" which essentially makes changes in the timestream as well as transport you to an alternative timeline.[9:00] (S2 EP 7)


Stanford Pines

  • Aided in the Defeat of Bill Cipher himself

  • Created an interdimensional portal to the wider multiverse Alongside Mcgucket

  • Created the rift that concealed the dimensions Bill and his monsters reside it  from merging with his own reality

  • Survived and fought his way through numerous dimensions for approximately 30 years

  • Traveled into a cursed comic book along with Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy to rescue Grunkle Stan

  • Successfully tricked Bill into believing Stanley was him by switching clothes

Reagan Ridley

  • Stopped an "Akira" like clone monster from leveling the whole city

  • Created a turbo thruster that could move the moon from Orbit

  • Defeated Alpha Beta who was threatening to divide the nationality of nations

  • Defeated Keanu and killed his crew of vampires

  • Successfully defeated a robotic clone of herself by outsmarting it with a magnetic pulse

  • Prevent the destruction of the Entire Universe caused by Rand's "Project Reboot"


Stanford Pines

-Stan can overpower pterodactyl with his bare hands

-Can hold back Dipper without too much struggle

+Dipper can harm Gideon,

Who survived being in the epicenter of his Gideon Bot Explosion 

(12.30 Kilotons of TNT)

Reagan Ridley 

-Brett withstood Gigi's scream that is strong enough to destroy a building (S2 Ep 4)

[21:13] [21:23] (S1 EP5)

(2.4 Megatons of TNT


Stanford Pines

to protect Dipper 

Should be comparable to rest of the pines family,

-Mabel & Dipper dodged and avoided several dozen darts being fired at them

(17.882 m/s)

-The pines twins Alongside soos,ducked out of the way of Giffany's Lightning bolts

(Mach 351)

Reagan Ridley

 (S1 EP3)

who can evade laserfire with relative ease [21:13] (S1 EP4)


  • Should be somewhat comparable to Brett who's shown to be:

-Fast enough to intercept gunfire from harming his brother[24:32] (S2 EP5)

-Reacted to several laser blasts from Alpha Beta's Laser Rifle

[12:31] (S2 Ep 8)



Stanford Pines

(1.26 Tons of TNT)

  • Survived the impact of an Alien ship crash landing 

(7.29 Tons of TNT)

Reagan Ridley 

Bear-O is shown to:

making large hole into Reagan's Front door [22:48] (S1 EP3)

-The gang withstood having the cognito UFO crash land from several feet in air [22:18] (S2 EP7)

(19 Tons of TNT)


Stanford Pines

Despite Ford's many achievements, he's still rather flawed in the end as he's oftentimes put himself into harm's way for the ones he cherishes.The Quantum Destabilizer gun has approximately one charge so after the first shot it's done and the Infinity Dice is a double edge sword as its effects can be random & used against him.In addition,the Memory Erasing gun is useless against those who are already broken to begin with.On Top of that, Ford is susceptible to transmutation as shown when Bill made him into a statue.

As for the Journals, the Zombies summoned and turned against the summer as well as being vulnerable against loud sounds,Mind Entering spell needs the user to be touching the target's head and lastly casting time generally takes a lot of time.

Reagan Ridley

Reagan herself is a rather emotionally vulnerable individual showcasing on occasions to make rash & emotionally driven decisions when pushed into a corner.Her gadgets are very susceptible to liquids and will malfunction as a result. If the VR Glove or Nanobelt is removed from her, she can't utilize its nanomachines.


Stanford Pines

(Art by Roberto GarcĂ­a de la Rosa)

"Being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible,will you follow me?"


  • Physically stronger

  • Far more experienced

  • Quantum Destabilizer has the power to easily one shot if given the chance

  • Memory Erasing Gun can just wipe Reagan's mind clean

  • Mr. "What's His Face's " face snatching ability can end things quickly 

  • His metal plate in his mind makes it impossible for him to be mind controlled


  • Slower

  • Less durable

  • Most of his arsenal is susceptible to Reagan's Nanobots 

  • Infinity Dice is a double edge sword

  • Zombie Army can backfire on him

  • Nanobelt > Magnet Gun

Reagan Ridley

(Art by Teo)

"Everyday you edge closer to becoming a Super Villain"


  • Notably Faster by a wide margin

  • More durable 

  • Nanomachines can disable almost all of Ford's equipments 

  • Has a much bigger Arsenal to work with

  • Her Spy watch's knockout gas could send Ford into submission

  •  Can trap him in a Laser Prism field

  • Ford was no defenses against the VR Glove

  • Nanobelt>Magnet Gun

  • Higher showings of AOE with Rainmaker 47Q5 & Proton Pack

  • Brain Scanner could jog back her memories if it were erased


  • Has no defenses against Ford's Quantum Destabilizer

  • Ford is immune to her mind controlling equipment 

  • Less experienced

  • Physically weaker

Before the Verdict Q&A

>Reagan being Small City

Credits to DMUA, the Average creation of a storm was calced at 2.4 Megatons of TNT and Brett while under the Effects of Nostalgia powers generating a storm across a town.

As for why Regan scales to this, Her proton pack can match Brett's power in a beam struggle, only losing when the nostalgic toys ripped apart her equipment causing it backfire.

This should also scale to her Durability as she withstood the impact of her proton pack's explosion point blank.

Can Ford scale to Bill Cipher at all?


The fact that the characters themselves had to rely on stuff like the Mystery Shack being upgraded by Mcgucket to battle off Bill's allies, 

as well as Unicorn hair to defend against Bill himself.While it is true that in the official Journals, Ford had a run in with Bill's allies 

He never actually overpowers them without the Quantum Destabilizer to aid him in his escape.So yeah he only scales to Bill with this weapon as it threatened to kill him if it weren't  for bad timing.

Why is light speed being considered for Inside Job's Laser feats and not the same for instances of Gravity Falls feats being counted as lightspeed?

Gravity Falls does have at least 2 lightspeed arguments throughout the community; Dipper dodging the beam from Ford's memory Gun & Gideon ducking out of the way of the Crystal Flashlight's light rays.

The First one being calced around [1.43c] Faster than Light speeds,and It does have a few Critiques for lightspeed such as 

□ Retracting off surfaces (The beam reflected off Ford's Glasses)

□ The beam moving in a Linear motion

Which on its own is fine however there aren't many feats to support the level of speed.

>The Second Argument is Gideon moving out of the way of the Flashlight's light 

☆S1 Episode 11 "Little Dipper"


The problem with this one is that Gideon essentially just aim-dodges since he saw and ducked before the light came at him, making this feat sorta unreliable.

On the other hand for Inside Job,

Laser dodging feats not only fit the necessary requirements but are also often rather consistent in the long run:

☆ in S1 Ep 4,Robo-Regan intercepting lasers

☆ In S1 Ep 9,Alpha Beta reacts to Bear-O's Laser Cannon

◇ In S2 Ep 8,Brett evades dozens of laser blasts while protecting a dog

Filling in a good chunk of Laser Requirements:

▪︎Laser rifles are stated to be powered by Zero point Fusion energy, those are known to have electromagnetic waves and EM waves move at roughly light speeds

▪︎ produces heat that melts/burning through metal 

▪︎ It moves in a Linear motion 

Final Verdict 

(Art by Skoshi Buns)

Stats Board

Ford is physically stronger with a result of 12 Kilotons of TNT against Reagan's 19 Tons of TNT. On the other hand, Reagan can keep up with this AP difference and surpass it with 2.4 Megatons,that's basically a 200x difference overall.

As for Speed, Reagan takes it as well, having a speed value of 1.67c(FTL) against Ford's Highest speed Scaling being at least Mach 351(MHS),

yea……hhhhhh THAT'S ABOUT 4,158 TIMES FASTER by a mile.

Weapons Comparison 

▪︎Ford's Electric gloves gets countered by Reagan's Crossblade as a result of superior range 

▪︎Ford's metal plate can defense himself against any memory Erasing weapon she had

▪︎Knockout gas can simply knock out Ford ▪︎ Adhesive Gun's substances are more than capable of trapping Reagan,

-However it's likely she'll escape either through her speed advantage or her laser rifles burning through the restrains

▪︎Spells from the Journal while they are insanely powerful, they require too much time to cast in the long run.

+Summoning the Zombies would be problematic for Ford since they can turn on him plus with their fragile durability,

Reagan can easily rip them apart with their large assortment of weapons

▪︎Nanomachines from her VR Glove can enter Ford's body and force him to kill himself

▪Both the Nanobelt and Magnet Gun can disable tech, but Reagan's method is faster as well as less time consuming. 

 The Memory Erasing Gun could erase Reagan's whole memory 

>Which she has no defense against since in canon, her memories had been tampered with from her father

But with Reagan's Brain Scanner, it's possible that she could just regain her memories if they were ever erased

Ford's Greatest Weapon **Quantum Destabilizer** 

 Can erase Regan into absolute nothingness something she can't combat against however there's at least 2 problems:

A: Ford doesn't primarily uses this at the beginning

->Only used it against Bill because he was the biggest threat imaginable in the course of said series and it suffers from having a single charge.

->Reagan's Nanobots can easily dismantle it after coming into contact with it

But what about the Infinity Dice

-> While yes, the dice does have infinite possibilities to draw from 

Utilizing anything can be disastrous on both ends due to the randomness of it all

Even Ford himself says in its description 

for the Journals that it's done more harm than good.


In summary,Ford's the more experienced fighter and is physically stronger than Reagan Alongside with having the gear to bypass her Durability when everything is all set and done.But Reagan's Inventions are ultimately far less easy to exploit compared to Ford's  as well as having the properties necessary to dismantle the opposition.In Addition,her overwhelm speed advantage and huge arsenal would allow her to keep up the fight no matter what while Ford will eventually run out of options & fall back into a corner.

In the End, I guess you can say Ford's death was truly just an Inside Job

The winner is Regan Ridley 


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